The long-term goal of human rights education is to create a cultural environment where human rights are properly understood, defended and respected.

In general, human rights educators seeks to develop a society in which human rights are valued and respected.

However, human rights education is more than the culture where everyone knows their rights. The good knowledge of human rights by itself does not necessarily mean respect. There will always be human rights violation cases. Human rights culture is a complex structure of different attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, norms and rules.

Kultūros centras “In Actio” has more than 10 years’ experience in human rights education and seeks of the following objectives:

Kultūros centras “In Actio” claims that human rights education objectives fall into three main areas:

Kultūros centras “In Actio” human rights education projects:

In order to reach these goals Kultūros centras In Actio implemented different projects, which you can find in our Portfolio.